שלושה שבועות. שלושה מפגשי שיח. שלוש נקודות מבט לא שגרתיות על הסכסוך.
Kehilat YOZMA Adopts Beit Eden

Support our annual Bar/Bat Mitzva celebration
Every year YOZMA's volunteers, staff and lay leadership host a lavish celebration for the girls and boys who have reached Bar and Bat Mitzvah age.
The broad community response to volunteer, together with the generosity of dear people, allow this miracle to happen every year.
We invite you to be our partner in building a more inclusive and healthy society.

About the program
"Beit Eden" is a group home for intellectually disabled children located in the town of Ramle. The facility houses approximately 80 children ranging in age from 7-21 with various degrees of intellectual retardation. Beit Eden serves as an actual home for these children, most of whom come from families of minimal socio-economic resources. In 2002 the volunteers of YOZMA - the Reform Congregation in Modi'in decided to adopts Beit Eden. Since then, a dedicated core group of YOZMA's volunteers have created a comprehensive program of support activities for Beit Eden.
The Beit Eden activity takes place throughout the year with weekly Kabbalat Shabbat service, activities around the holidays and special activities such as sixth graders' visits to Beit Eden and a communal run in the Modiin Half Marathon. The annual cost of implementing the adoption program is approximately 10,000$ a year, that is based almost entirely on a voluntary basis and from donations from dear people.